We are always ‘Hantsport Proud’.
Hantsport is located in Mi’kmaqi, the traditional unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. Hantsport is a family friendly community on the banks of the Avon river. This idyllic location has not always had the easiest of times. After 2 of its 3 major industries closed down it left the town with no choice but to merge with its municipal neighbour. The town was suddenly part of a wider community and faced losing its identity. Groups of local citizens (some long moved on to other places and other countries), since then have got together to ensure the community they grew up again started to prosper and thrive. Hantsport is now home to a music festival in July. The Community centre has become a centre for recreational activities, a winter carnival has been revived and, new businesses are moving in.
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Get In Touch
We are not affiliated in any way with the Municipality. If you require Municipal Services please go to the West Hants webpage
If you are looking for Information on cemeteries, side walks, garbage, parks or want or get in touch with the Public Works Dept.
Contact them here:
Public Works Admin, Karrie Ritchie at (902) 798-8391 ext.125 or email her at kritchie@westhants.ca.
If you are looking for information regarding HMCC, the dog park, events in Hantsport, the swimming pool or playground please contact:
Hantsport Recreation: hmccrecreation@gmail.com
PO BOX 520 Hantsport NS B0P 1P0